How to charge an e‑bike battery correctly: 5 tips


10 Feb



An e-bike battery is one of the most important components of your electric bike - and the most expensive. That's why it's important to take good care of the heart of your e-bike so that it lasts as long as possible. Here you'll get all the information you need on how to best preserve the life of your e-bike battery and keep it running smoothly.

Why is it important to charge the e-bike battery properly?

Lithium-ion batteries are now the preferred type of power supply for many electronic systems, including e-bikes. These batteries offer many advantages: they are lightweight, can be charged quickly and have a long service life. Nevertheless, the capacity of the battery to hold its charge diminishes over time.

An incorrectly charged battery can thus lead to a shortened service life and reduced performance. In addition, the battery may be damaged, which is not covered by the warranty. Therefore, it is advisable to follow a few tips for the care and charging of your battery, so that your e-bike can get the most out of it for as long as possible.

Why you shouldn't charge your e-bike after every ride

Contrary to popular belief, it is not a good idea to fully discharge and then recharge your e-bike's battery every day. This can shorten the life of the battery and cause you to have to replace it sooner.

When you should charge your e-bike battery?

There are several situations in which it is important to charge your e-bike's battery. Among others:

  1. Before a ride the next day

  2. When the battery has reached 30-40% of full capacity

  3. Before a long distance ride

  4. After a few weeks of not using the e-bike

How often should you charge your e-bike battery?

Lithium-ion batteries for e-bikes need to be charged regularly to prolong their life. While they do not need to be recharged after every ride, they must be kept active to avoid degradation of battery performance.

Good battery care therefore includes, above all, regular cycling. Of course, the battery should be charged at the latest when it is empty. Otherwise, we generally recommend charging the battery at a charge level of approx. 30%.

How to charge your e-bike battery: step by step

Charging your e-bike battery is quite simple. The following steps should be followed:

  • Only use chargers that are suitable for your battery or e-bike.

  • Charge the battery in a room with a temperature of between 15 and 25 °C. Make sure that you do not charge it in sub-zero temperatures or in conditions that are too hot.

  • Find a safe place to charge the battery, away from children, pets, and other potential hazards.

  • Turn off the battery (you can charge it either on or off the e-bike).

  • Connect the charger to the battery and plug it into the power outlet.

  • Prevent the battery from overcharging by keeping it away from flammable surfaces and not covering the battery and charger.

  • Allow the charger to charge until the charge level reaches 80-90% (if you are not driving it soon) or until the light on the charger turns green (if you plan to drive it).

  • Disconnect the charger from the mains and store it in a safe place.

Can you overcharge an e-bike battery?

It is not recommended to continue charging your e-bike's battery after it is fully charged. Overcharging can shorten the life of the battery and reduce its capacity to hold a charge. It is best to unplug the charger from the wall socket as soon as the battery has reached the target capacity.

How long does an e-bike battery take to charge?

All e-bike owners have to deal with charging the battery. The duration of the charging process depends on two important factors: the type of battery and the charger used.

What type of battery do you have?

The type of your battery is an important factor for the duration of the charging process. A large capacity battery will take longer to charge than a smaller battery, regardless of which charger is used. In general, a standard charger will take 6 to 8 hours to charge a full battery, while a smaller battery with a correspondingly smaller e-bike battery range will take an average of 3 to 5 hours.

What kind of charger are you using?

The type of charger you use is another important aspect that determines how fast your battery will charge. Among other things, there are fast chargers that are designed to significantly speed up the charging process. However, faster chargers also have disadvantages. They are larger, heavier and more expensive to purchase. In any case, it is important that you use a charger that fits your battery.

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Our 5 tips for charging your battery

Tip 1: Charge the battery of your new electric bike for 12 hours

When you buy a new electric bike, you should take the time to fully charge the battery for 12 hours. This long initial charge ensures that current flows through all cells and helps condition the battery right out of the box.

Tip 2: Charge e-bike battery regularly

Lithium-ion batteries of electric bicycles - and thus almost all e-bikes - last longer if they are used and charged regularly.

In most cases, it is not necessary to fully discharge your e-bike's battery. Instead, you should charge the battery when it still has 30 to 60 percent of its capacity.

However, some battery experts recommend an occasional full discharge, about every 30 to 40 charges. Otherwise, you should stick to the guideline value of 30 to 60 percent.

In order to charge your e-bike's battery regularly, you'll also need to use it regularly, so let this tip encourage you to get out and ride.

Tip 3: Avoid extreme temperatures

An e-bike battery is as sensitive to the weather as most e-bike riders. Moderate temperatures are better.

To extend the life of an e-bike battery, extreme temperatures should be avoided both during use and when charging the battery.

During a charging cycle, the battery should be in an environment warmer than the freezing point and, in extreme cases, no warmer than 45 degrees Celsius. It is best if the temperature during charging is between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius.

Tip 4: Do not overcharge the e-bike battery

Do not leave the battery of your electric bike connected to the charger for a long time - for example, several days or longer. If you do, the capacity of the battery may quickly decrease.

Instead, use a timer on your mobile device to remind you to remove the battery from the charger.

Tip 5: Never store an empty battery

It may happen that you need to store the battery of your electric bike. Maybe you want to travel and are not at home for a long time. Or it is too cold to ride. In any case, you should not store the battery empty, but make sure that it has about 40 to 70 percent of its full capacity.


In summary, taking good care of your e-bike battery will extend its life and save you money in the long run. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and our tips to ensure that your battery remains stable and that you can continue to rely on reliable performance.

Avoid charging mistakes to prevent damage and maximize battery life. A properly charged e-bike battery is critical for long life and optimal performance.

If you have any questions about charging your e-bike battery correctly, please contact us at or use our contact options directly on the website. Our team is looking forward to meeting you and is available for all your questions.