What you should know about batteries for e‑bikes?


04 Apr


Buying Guides

Have you ever thought about how important the battery in your e-bike is? It is the heart of the e-bike, giving it the energy it needs to cover kilometer after kilometer. But what exactly makes a good battery? And what should you look for in a battery when buying an e-bike?

We want to answer these and many more questions to give you a better idea of what makes a good battery for your e-bike. We will look at the different types of batteries available on the market and give you some tips on how to choose the best battery for your needs.

One thing is clear: without the right battery, your e-bike cannot develop its full performance. A weak or undersized battery can cause your e-bike to run out of power faster than expected, or it may not be able to handle difficult terrain, for example. Therefore, it is important to choose a battery or e-bike that suits you and your riding style.

Design and functionality of an e-bike battery

Modern e-bike batteries focus on several rechargeable lithium cells and together form a battery. Unlike smartphone batteries or AA batteries, e-bike batteries are therefore not individual batteries, but a combination of several cells.

Most e-bike batteries contain only lithium-ion cells, which offer high storage capacity and energy density. Older battery generations may also contain cells made of lead gel, nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride.

The way lithium-ion batteries work is quite simple. They store electrical energy from the power grid as chemical energy and make it available as electrical energy during e-bike use. The energy is transported by lithium ions that move back and forth between positive and negative poles. This principle is also known as the "rocking chair principle".

To ensure that the battery functions properly and lasts as long as possible, a so-called BMS (battery management system) is integrated. The BMS monitors and controls processes such as discharging and charging, temperature monitoring, charge indication and overvoltage/deep discharge protection to ensure optimum performance and battery life.

Even though e-bikes are an important and environmentally friendly form of transportation, a certain disadvantage should not go unmentioned. Unfortunately, the production of e-bikes batteries is extremely resource-intensive and is also repeatedly the focus of attention because of the social impacts associated with the extraction of raw materials. It is therefore all the more important that batteries and e-bikes that have already been manufactured are given a long product life - used batteries and e-bikes in particular should be used intensively.

If you want to learn more about the costly and resource-intensive production of e-bike batteries and an overview of the environmental impact of the bicycle industry, it's worth taking a look at our blog post: Sustainable bicycles? The impact of the cycling industry.

Which batteries for e-bikes are best?

Today, e-bikes almost exclusively use lithium-ion batteries. These batteries use lithium ions as the electrolyte and can be found in many electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops and cameras.

The use of these batteries is very popular because they have a high energy density, so they can absorb and store a lot of energy. In addition, these batteries have a much longer life and lighter weight than other types of batteries.

The main advantages of lithium-ion batteries at a glance:

  1. high energy density: Lithium-ion batteries have a higher energy density than other battery types. This means that they can absorb and store more energy, which leads to a greater range of the e-bike.

  2. Durability: Lithium-ion batteries have a longer lifespan than other battery types. They can go through more charge and discharge cycles before they need to be replaced.

  3. Light weight: Lithium-ion batteries are relatively light compared to other battery types. This means they don't overly affect the weight of the e-bike and improve the riding experience.

  4. Fast charging: Lithium-ion batteries can be charged quickly. It usually only takes a few hours to fully charge the battery. This means that your e-bike is quickly ready for use again when you need it.

By the way, in our blog post "How to charge an e‑bike battery correctly: 5 tips" you can learn everything you need to know about charging and caring for your e-bike battery.

Position and installation variants of e-bike batteries

When it comes to installing e-bike batteries, the position and the installation variant play an important role. The optimal placement of the battery depends on many factors, including the area of application and the advantages of the different installation variants. We would like to briefly introduce you to the installation variants of the e-bike batteries and draw your attention to some advantages and disadvantages.

The most common installation option for e-bike batteries is now the position on the frame, with the battery on or in the down tube. This position offers good weight distribution and ensures a smooth and even ride. In addition, the battery is easily accessible and can usually be replaced easily.

On the down tube

If the battery is visibly attached to the down tube of the e-bike, this has a positive effect on the center of gravity of the bike, which is then low and centered. This ensures stable and safe handling. In addition, the battery is easy to change because it can simply be plugged or pushed.

In the down tube (fully/partially integrated)

In the fully or partially integrated built-in variant, also called "intube battery", the battery is integrated into the frame and is barely visible. This makes the bike look slimmer and more elegant. The center of gravity is also low and centered, which, as already mentioned, ensures a smooth and stable ride.

The battery can be changed in different ways depending on the model, e.g. as a slide-in, similar to the drawer principle, or as a permanently integrated battery that should only be removed by specialists. In some models, the battery can be removed so that the bike can be used like a normal bike.

Behind/ in front of the seat tube

In this installation variant, the battery is located between the rear wheel and the main frame, i.e. behind or in front of the seat tube. The center of gravity is also low and central here and ensures a smooth and even ride. The battery is usually visibly mounted behind or in front of the seat tube.

On the rear carrier

With this installation variant, the battery is located directly on or under the luggage carrier. The center of gravity shifts to the rear and tends to be upwards, which can lead to slight instability in driving and cornering behavior at higher speeds. Battery replacement is also possible here without much effort.

The DualBattery system

With the DualBattery system you can use two batteries at the same time and thus increase the range of your e-bike. The batteries discharge alternately and thus provide even more power. However, the weight of the battery increases.

The center of gravity depends strongly on the model and the placement of the two batteries on the e-bike. The battery change is usually done by a combination of clip-on principle and Intube battery for plugging in.

E-bike battery manufacturers: a brief overview

E-bikes are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason - they are efficient and practical. When choosing the right e-bike, you should pay attention not only to fit and design, but also to the quality of the motor and battery.

If you choose a well-known manufacturer and battery, you usually can't go wrong. Bosch, Yamaha, Shimano and Fazua offer a wide range of powerful batteries, where the best workmanship and high material quality are paramount:


The name Bosch is known worldwide and stands for quality and innovation. So it's no wonder that Bosch is also one of the leading manufacturers in the field of e-bikes. In addition to high-quality e-bike motors, Bosch primarily offers durable batteries for commuters, tourers, trekkers and mountain bikers.

The motor-battery systems guarantee optimum running performance, high range, easy handling, low self-discharge and low weight. High-quality lithium-ion batteries with integrated battery management system are used for almost all battery installation variants.


Yamaha is an international expert in electrically powered vehicles and also offers e-bike motors and batteries. One of Yamaha's strengths, for example, is the Automatic Support Mode, which automatically adjusts the motor support depending on riding behavior and distance. Added to this are high ranges, a large selection of battery and motor variants, and reliable workmanship.


Shimano also offers powerful motors and batteries for a wide range of drive systems. The performance spectrum of Shimano ranges from e-city bikes to e-mountain bikes and e-touring. A particular strength of Shimano is the lightweight and slim design of the motors and batteries for optimal e-biking with high ranges.


The drive manufacturer Fazua was founded in 2013 and has a lot to offer since then. Fazua offers motors with intelligent support modes and high-quality batteries with robust workmanship. With different power levels as well as demand-oriented capacities and designs, Fazua not only keeps up with the strongest competition, but is considered a specialist especially among the powerful and quiet light e-bikes.

E-bike battery facts

Ranges of an e-bike battery

One of the most important purchase criteria when buying e-bikes is undoubtedly the battery capacity. The battery capacity is an important indicator for the battery range. Watt hours (Wh) are used as a key figure to measure the battery capacity. Most current e-bikes have battery capacities of 250 to 500 Wh for riding in the city and up to 800 Wh for longer distances.

  • 250 Wh: ca. 55 km

  • 400 Wh: ca. 70 km

  • 500 Wh: ca. 100 km

  • 800 Wh: ca. 130 km

It quickly becomes clear how a higher battery capacity affects the range. So if you plan to ride longer distances or if you tend to use your e-bike in hilly terrain, you should opt for an e-bike with a higher battery capacity.

By the way: with a DualBattery system, battery capacities of over 1000 Wh can be realized, which can again significantly increase the range. The disadvantage here is, as already described, that this has a negative effect on the overall weight of the e-bike.
By the way: with a DualBattery system, battery capacities of over 1000 Wh can be realized, which can again significantly increase the range. The disadvantage here is, as already described, that this has a negative effect on the overall weight of the e-bike.

What external factors play a role in battery range?

In practice, the range of your e-bike depends not only on the battery capacity, but also on a number of external factors:

Geographical factors

The route condition has a significant influence on the range of your e-bike. Dry, even surfaces, such as those found in the city, have less of an effect on the range than mountain rides, inclines and gravel roads. You should therefore expect a lower range, especially on demanding routes.


Interestingly, tight-fitting clothing can reduce wind resistance when riding. This means that your motor has to provide less assistance and the battery lasts a little longer as a result.

Total weight (incl. payload)

The higher the total weight of your e-bike, the more support the e-motor requires. This leads to a reduction in range. If you want to transport a lot of luggage, for example, you should keep an eye on the effects on the range.

Drivetrain type

E-bikes come with different drive types, which also have an impact on the range. Derailleur gears are cheaper and lighter, but wear out a bit faster. Hub gears, on the other hand, are a bit more expensive, but require little maintenance, have a long service life and are protected in the hub. In comparison, the lighter and sportier derailleur provides slightly more range.

Tire Pressure & Tread

The tire pressure and the tire tread are important factors for the range of your e-bike. The maximum recommended tire pressure can usually be found on the sidewall of your tire. With the right tire pressure, the rolling resistance can be optimized, which directly affects the range of the e-bike.


In addition to proper care and maintenance of the electrical components of your e-bike, good care of the mechanical parts is also important. Worn parts should be replaced promptly and replaced with new components. A smoothly functioning drive and tires with sufficient tread also have a positive effect on the range of your e-bike.

How does e-bike use affect the range of the battery?

In addition to the external factors mentioned above, the actual range also varies based on how you ride and use the e-bike:

Choice of motor assistance level

The support level and the intensity of use of the motor are important factors that influence the range of the e-bike battery. If you frequently ride with a high assistance level, the battery naturally discharges more quickly than when you ride with a lot of power. Therefore, you should always adjust the support level to the actual demand and not exclusively cycle with the highest support level.

Riding style

One's own riding style is another important factor that influences the range and service life of the e-bike battery. Various factors play a role here, such as the choice of route. On a level, dry track, the e-bike consumes less energy than on gravel or steep climbs. An anticipatory and active gear shifting as well as good route planning can also help the battery last longer.

Gear shifting behavior

Correct and active shifting behavior is an important aspect of a forward-looking riding style and influences the life of the battery. Relying only on the highest support levels and hardly shifting at all puts unnecessary strain on the chain and cassette. This not only leads to increased wear, but also to a shorter range. Therefore, you should make sure to shift gears regularly and adjust the support level to the route profile.

E-bike battery weight

The weight of an e-bike battery depends on various factors. One important factor is the energy density and the capacity of the installed cells. On average, e-bike batteries with a capacity of 30 to 625 Wh weigh between 2.5 and 3.5 kg. If a battery with higher capacity is required, the weight also increases.

A rule of thumb says that the weight of the battery is about 1 kg per 160 Wh. So if you need a battery with 800 Wh or more, you have to expect a weight of about 5 kg. By the way, an e-bike weighs an average of 20 to 25 kg.

Repair and maintenance of an e-bike battery

If the battery of your e-bike is defective, you have two options: Repair or replacement. Basically, if a repair is necessary, experts usually recommend replacing the battery for safety reasons.

However, a complete replacement of the e-bike battery only makes sense in certain cases. For example, if the battery is severely damaged or no longer efficient due to wear or aging. Replacement is also advisable if a stronger battery is desired.

If the battery is removable, you can replace it yourself. However, make sure that the system and voltage of the new battery fit your e-bike. Only use original parts from the same manufacturer and no third-party batteries.

For fully integrated batteries, you need the help of professionals. It is also important to dispose of the old battery properly.

The cost of a new battery is usually between 300 and 800 euros. For fully integrated batteries, workshop costs are added.


We hope that we could help you with this article to make the complex topic of e-bike batteries a little more understandable. In particular, the information on battery capacity, installation position and weight, as well as the brief overview of the different manufacturers should help you make a good decision when choosing your e-bike.

If you have further questions on this topic or would like expert advice on buying an e-bike, you can contact us at any time by e-mail at hallo@velio.de or use our contact options directly on the website. Our team is looking forward to meeting you and is happy to answer any questions you may have.