Alcohol and e‑bike: A dangerous combination in road traffic


13 Jun



E-bikes and e-scooters are becoming increasingly popular and allow riders to get around quickly and comfortably. Although the e-bike is an environmentally friendly and practical alternative to the conventional bicycle or car, there are important rules that must not be ignored: Alcohol and e-bike riding are a dangerous combination on the road.

E-bikes and e-scooters are becoming increasingly popular and allow riders to get around quickly and comfortably. Although the e-bike is an environmentally friendly and practical alternative to the conventional bicycle or car, there are important rules that must not be ignored: Alcohol and e-bike riding are a dangerous combination on the road.

In this blog post, we would like to point out that alcohol and the use of e-bikes, e-scooters and S-pedelecs do not belong together. We will explain the effects of alcohol on driving ability and highlight the potential dangers and risks. The goal is to raise awareness of responsibility on the road and why sober driving is just as important here as driving a car.

Alcohol affects a person's physical and mental abilities and can severely impair reaction time, as well as judgment. This is true not only when driving a car, but also when riding an e-bike. However, there are still people who believe that the blood alcohol limit is less strict for e-bike riders, or that alcohol and e-bikes are generally a harmless combination.

In addition, we would like to show you alternative ways to enjoy your e-bike tours, even without drinking alcoholic beverages. There are a variety of refreshing and non-alcoholic options that will quench your thirst while keeping other road users safe.


E-bikes, also known as electric bikes, are bicycles equipped with an electric drive system. The electric motor assists with pedaling and allows for easier and less strenuous riding, especially on inclines or longer distances. The motor's assistance can be controlled through various modes, such as setting a specific speed or desired level of assistance. E-bikes can be suitable for urban traffic as well as for leisure and off-road riding.


E-scooters, also known as electric pedal scooters or electric scooters, are compact vehicles with an electric motor that assists locomotion by pedaling or pressing the tread. Unlike e-bikes, e-scooters are generally not designed for pedaling with the feet, but provide pure electric locomotion. They are particularly popular for short trips in urban areas and offer a practical alternative to cars or public transport.


S-pedelecs, also called speed pedelecs or fast e-bikes, are e-bikes with a higher speed assistance than conventional e-bikes. While most e-bikes offer assistance up to 25 km/h, S-pedelecs can reach speeds of up to 45 km/h. They are more powerful and therefore require licensing, insurance and the wearing of a helmet. S-pedelecs are particularly interesting for commuters who cover longer distances and are looking for a faster way to get around.

E-bikes up to 25 km/h are considered bicycles

If you are drunk and riding an e-bike, you may be lucky enough to get off scot-free. An e-bike whose motor helps you pedal at speeds of up to 25 km/h is not considered a motor vehicle. This was decided by the Higher Regional Court of Hamm (Case No. 4 RBs 47/13). These electric bikes are therefore subject to the same rules as "normal" bikes.

Current legal situation of blood alcohol limits on the bike:

Promille is a unit of measurement for the alcohol content in the blood. When alcohol is consumed, some of it enters the breath. By measuring the breath alcohol concentration, the per mille value in the blood can be estimated. Penalties for drunk bicycling, however, can vary by blood-alcohol level and driving offense.

If someone rides a bicycle with a blood alcohol level of 1.6 or higher, they can be penalized with three points in the central traffic register. With 8 points, the driver's license is revoked. In addition to this, a fine can be imposed, the amount of which can vary from country to country and from case to case. In some cases, a medical-psychological examination (MPU or colloquially "idiot test") may also be ordered to check fitness to drive.

Drivers who drive conspicuously with a blood alcohol level of 0.3 or higher must expect criminal charges. This means that riding a bicycle while drunk is considered a criminal offense and may result in legal consequences such as a court case.

For faster e-bikes the motor vehicle rules apply

Faster e-bikes and S-pedelecs with a motor output of up to 45 km/h are considered motor vehicles. They require a license plate and are therefore subject to insurance. The rules that apply to cars also apply to these electric bikes. Car drivers are already pulled over at a lower blood alcohol level. 0.5 per mille is an administrative offense, while 1.1 per mille at the wheel is considered a criminal offense.

E-scooters in road traffic

E-scooters are legally considered motor vehicles, which is why driving while intoxicated should be avoided at all costs. In Germany, the legal limit is 0.5 per mille. During the probationary period and under the age of 21, the law even stipulates a strict ban on alcohol.

Anyone caught for the first time with a reading above 0.5 per mille on an e-scooter must expect a fine of 500 euros. In addition, two points will be entered in Flensburg and a one-month driving ban will be imposed. In the case of repeated violations, the penalties increase accordingly.

From a value of 1.1 per mille, one speaks of a "punishable drunk driving". In such cases, the penalty can be a fine or even imprisonment of up to one year. In addition, a driving ban of up to six months or the revocation of the driver's license can be imposed. These penalties also apply if only 0.3 per mille of alcohol is detected in the blood while driving, but an accident was caused.

Is it okay to push a bike while drunk?

It is not a legal offense for an intoxicated pedestrian to push a bicycle next to him or her. However, care should be taken if you have alcohol-related failure symptoms, such as difficulty holding the bicycle or pushing it in a straight line. In such cases, it is advisable to abandon the bicycle. This is because if there is a danger to others or an accident, the drunk person is generally liable for it - regardless of whether there is any danger to themselves.

Insurance does not pay only in case of intent

Accidental damage caused by slower e-bikes is usually covered by private liability insurance. Older policies in particular do not mention electric bikes. Customers should therefore obtain written confirmation from the insurer that their e-bike is also covered in the policy. Anyone who causes damage on the road while under the influence of alcohol is acting with gross negligence. As a rule, private liability insurance will also cover this. Exception: If you cause the damage intentionally, you may be asked to pay.

Planned change of the limit value

The limit of 1.6 per mille for cyclists is controversial. The Conference of Transport Ministers has recommended a new per mille limit of 1.1 per mille and handed it over to the federal government. However, it will be some time before a possible new limit comes into force. Already now, however, it can be said: With or without motor assistance - you drive safest when you are sober.

The perfect alternative

When it comes to non-alcoholic alternatives to alcoholic beverages, there are a variety of options that can quench your thirst.

Instead of opting for alcoholic beverages, for example, you can turn to refreshing fruit juices like orange, apple or pineapple juice. Sparkling lemonades such as lemonade, lime-mint or ginger lemonade offer a tingly change of pace. Flavored water with fresh fruit or herbs can be a healthy and tasty choice. Mocktails, or non-alcoholic cocktails, allow for a colorful variety of flavors. Tea or iced tea in different varieties such as herbal tea, green tea or fruit tea are another option. If you like the taste of beer but want to stay alcohol-free, there are also non-alcoholic beer varieties.

All these non-alcoholic beverages offer a safe and enjoyable alternative while you enjoy your ride on an e-bike, e-scooter or S-pedelec without any worries.


Avoid alcoholic beverages and enjoy the day with non-alcoholic alternatives. By acting responsibly, you protect yourself and those around you on the road. The effects of alcohol on driving ability and reaction time should not be underestimated. Even small amounts can impair coordination and reaction time, which can lead to dangerous situations. By switching to non-alcoholic beverages, you'll ensure that you and other road users are safe on the road. So, raise a glass with a delicious non-alcoholic beverage and enjoy the day to the fullest while taking care of your own well-being and the well-being of others. Cheers to a carefree and safe day!

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Best wishes

Your Velio Team