E‑Bike Helmets from Burner Helmet ‑ ride safely and with style


15 Mar



According to a study by the Federal Highway Research Institute from 2021, it was gratifying to note that the wearing of bicycle and e-bike helmets in Germany showed a positive increase compared to previous years. The rate of helmet-wearing cyclists increased from 26.2 percent to 31.7 percent.

It is particularly pleasing that a helmet-wearing rate of 76.6 percent was recorded for children aged six to ten. For 17- to 21-year-olds, on the other hand, the rate was only 20.8 percent. Overall, the study shows that there is still a great need for education regarding the protective function of bicycle and e-bike helmets.

Mandatory helmet use in Germany?

Currently, there is no legal requirement for cyclists to wear a helmet in Germany. However, this does not mean that you should cycle without a helmet. If you have an accident without a helmet, you are not partly to blame, but it is still advisable to wear a helmet for your own health.

A helmet is indispensable, especially for ambitious sportsmen and women, such as racing cyclists. In competitions and during leisure time, you should never do without a helmet, as injuries to the head in particular can have serious consequences and, in the worst case, even be fatal.

The importance of the bicycle helmet: studies prove protection against head injuries

Cycling is a popular leisure activity and also an environmentally friendly as well as healthy way of getting around, so it is pleasing to see the number of cyclists increasing. However, they are particularly vulnerable in road traffic and the risk of head injuries in the event of an accident is considered high.

A study by HFC Human-Factors-Consult GmbH was able to show that a quarter of all bicycle accidents involve the head. The good news: Helmets can help prevent 20 percent of minor and 80 percent of severe head injuries.

ADAC accident research also confirms the positive effect of bicycle helmets: They protect against many head injuries in the event of a fall and reduce the risk of serious injuries. This is because without a helmet, the impact force only acts on a small area with great force, whereas with a helmet it is distributed over a decisively larger area. The result is clear: With a helmet, the consequences of a fall are less severe than without.

How can we make riding an e-bike in Germany safer?

Various measures must be taken to make riding an e-bike safer. A crucial role is played by the infrastructure, which is inadequate in most areas in Germany. Above all, it is necessary to make cycling safer and to create continuous cycling networks.

These should be equipped with sufficiently wide bike lanes and safe guidance across intersections and areas with high traffic volumes. Cycle lanes and cycle lanes can also help to further increase safety on the roads.

It is also important to strengthen the understanding and consideration of all road users. Another measure to protect all e-bikers and cyclists is undoubtedly the wearing of a helmet. Here, the decision lies with each and every individual and should always be made in favor of a helmet.

What are bike and e-bike helmets actually made of?

Bicycle and e-bike helmets consist of different layers to provide optimal protection. The outer shell is often made of polycarbonate, ABS, fiberglass or carbon fiber and serves as a distribution of impact energy and protection against sharp objects.

The inner shell is usually made of EPS and absorbs the energy in a fall and therefore protects our head. Important: A helmet should always fit properly and tightly and be checked regularly. Damaged helmets should be replaced.

Sustainable bike helmets - how Burner Helmet is changing the market

Bicycle helmets are indispensable for safety when cycling. Buying bicycle helmets second-hand, as with e-bikes, is generally not advisable because of the safety aspects. Unfortunately, however, most models are anything but sustainable and production, material extraction and supply chains are often regrettably anything but climate-friendly.

Berlin-based start-up Burner Helmet has addressed this issue and already offers a sustainable alternative to conventional bike helmets:

Why are conventional bicycle helmets problematic for our environment?

Most bicycle helmets are made of plastics such as polycarbonate and EPS foam, which are produced from petroleum. The production of these materials consumes large amounts of energy and produces high CO2 emissions. The disposal of the helmets is also a problem, as they cannot be recycled due to their material composition.

How does Burner Helmet solve this problem?

The Burner Helmet is not only safe and functional, but also sustainable and environmentally friendly. By using recycled materials and systematically optimizing the components Burner Helmet focuses on new standards in the bicycle industry.

A special feature of the helmets is the inner shell made of recycled EPS. Compared to conventional EPS (" styrofoam "), Burner Helmet reports that up to 47% CO2 emissions can be saved over the life of the product. The strap separator focuses on recycled polyamide. The result is not only more environmentally friendly, but also extremely attractive.

Another key approach is resource efficiency, which was taken into account in the design. As a result, each helmet weighs only 250 grams. At the same time, the helmets always meet the EU standard CE 1078 and are thus safety certified.

In addition, the company is actively involved in freeing the oceans from plastic waste. To this end, Burner Helmet works closely with partners such as Clean Hub and Plastic Fischer and focuses on clean oceans. The stated goal: to remove more plastic waste from the ocean than is used in the helmets.

The helmets from Burner Helmet

Black Ocean helmet

The Black Ocean bike helmet is very light at 200 g, so it does not interfere with driving. The matte black design is simple and harmonizes with any outfit. Of course, it is EU safety certified: EN 1078.
The Black Ocean bike helmet is very light at 200 g, so it does not interfere with driving. The matte black design is simple and harmonizes with any outfit. Of course, it is EU safety certified: EN 1078.

Red Ocean helmet

The Red Ocean bike helmet has the same features as the Black Ocean. Here too, the matte red design harmonizes perfectly with all your outfits.
The Red Ocean bike helmet has the same features as the Black Ocean. Here too, the matte red design harmonizes perfectly with all your outfits.

velio x Burner Helmet - a matching partnership

E-biking and cycling are enjoying increasing popularity from year to year and are becoming an increasingly serious alternative form of transportation for many people. Above all, the positive effect on the climate should be a major driving force for the continued positive development of this form of mobility.

Where we at velio start with the concept of circular economy through general overhaul of used e-bikes and bicycles to offer a more sustainable alternative to buying an e-bike, Burner Helmet creates a more sustainable offer in the purchase of bicycle helmets, which did not exist so far. With the common goal of making the bicycle industry more sustainable, we are happy to name Burner Helmet as a partner of velio and to work closely together in the future.

More about Burner Helmet: https://burnerhelmet.de/